Happy Pets Cheat Engine Coin Cheat | Money Hack

Tools :
Cheat Engine

Happy Pets Cheat Engine Coin Cheat | Money Hack
The things you will need for this hack are: the Cheat Engine v5.5 or later, Mozilla Firefox browser and then Flash player 9 or 10. Just use caution with any cheat, because your Facebook account could get banned.
What do you need to do is this:

1) Open Happy Pets
2) Select Firefox in Cheat Engine
3) Change value type to “Double”
4) Scan current amount of coins.
5) Spend some or earn some and NEXT SCAN new amount of coins.
6) 1 address returned else repeat step 5.
7) Change the value of this address to any amount you want.

Cheat Engine Experience Cheat
For this cheat you’ll need the Cheat Engine v5.5 or later, Mozilla Firefox and Flash player 9 or 10. This cheat is not guaranteed to work and cheating at a Facebook application could get your account banned. If you’d like to try, here are the steps you need to take:

1) Do something in Happy Pets that gains exp.
2) Select browser in cheat engine
3) Set 8bytes, hex, also scan read only mem
4) Scan “54438b744389c103″ Only 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
5) Right click the line “add eax,ecx” and select “change register at this location”
6) Tick ECX and insert “186A0″ as the value. You will now gain 100,000 exp points instead of 3

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